Hello DeAnna,
The CDA with CLASS program provides 120 clock hours (12 CEUs) of the required professional education to secure your credential through the Council for Professional Recognition. We have several options to meet your goals including:
- The On-Demand CDA with CLASS (CEU) experience allows participants to access coursework anytime, anywhere and work at their own pace.
- The Facilitated CDA with CLASS (CEU or college credit) offerings connects participants with experienced educators to receive specific guidance and feedback across a 24-week paced program.
You can read more on our web pages!
CDA with CLASSIf you have additional questions, please reach out to
Sherilyn Crump M.Ed.
Online Learning Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 08-05-2021 08:31
From: DeAnna Brown
Subject: Finding grades
Hello I'm interested in some classes for my job. Some if can email me and I want them to be cda certified
Original Message:
Sent: 7/14/2021 4:05:00 PM
From: Mia Jones
Subject: Finding grades
How do I find the grades I got on past courses as a whole
Mia Jones