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  • 1.  Virtual Classrooms

    Posted 08-03-2020 12:33
    Good Morning,
    Many of our classrooms will be using a virtual learning model to start this school year, with great uncertainty of how long this may last. I am wondering if there is any information available on conducting CLASS observations in virtual classrooms? Is this even a possibility? Like most programs we are in the process of trying to figure things out as we go. Any information you can send would be greatly appreciated. 
    I look forward to hearing any new ideas you may have to address our changing world.
    Thank you

    Susan Garland
    Education Coordinator
    SETA Head Start
    Sacramento, CA

  • 2.  RE: Virtual Classrooms

    Posted 08-04-2020 10:18
    Good question...I think we all need some insight and advice on this...

    roberta utenwoldt
    cliffside park NJ

  • 3.  RE: Virtual Classrooms

    Posted 08-04-2020 10:29
    Hi @Susan Garland and @roberta utenwoldt,

    Thank you both so much for reaching out. Teachstone is currently working to develop guidance around conducting CLASS observations in virtual classrooms and plan to release this within the next few weeks. We will share this guidance here in the CLC when it is available, as well as on our website. We know that these times are full of uncertainty for you and your students, and we will do our best to support you as you prepare to take on teaching in new and challenging ways. Thank you for all you do, have a wonderful day!


    Allison Bloomfield
    Certification Programs Admin
    Charlottesville VA

  • 4.  RE: Virtual Classrooms

    Posted 02-04-2021 14:08
    Has Teachstone released guidance or protocol for coding a virtual teacher/classroom?

    Vicki Holstein
    Saint Augustine FL

  • 5.  RE: Virtual Classrooms

    Posted 02-05-2021 10:47
      |   view attached
    Yes! I have attached it.

    Bridget Austin
    Madison Heights VA


  • 6.  RE: Virtual Classrooms

    Posted 02-05-2021 13:17
    Thank you for sharing. This has been very helpful.

    Vicki Holstein
    Saint Augustine FL

  • 7.  RE: Virtual Classrooms

    Posted 02-05-2021 10:47
    Hi @Vicki Holstein and @Swanda Warren, we have! Here's the Guidance for Conducting CLASS® Observations of Virtual Teaching. There are a number of other guidance documents available here as well:

    Liz Savage
    Community Manager

  • 8.  RE: Virtual Classrooms

    Posted 08-04-2020 11:33
    Yes we are looking for the best way to execute this as well.

    Swanda Warren, BS, M.Ed., Technical Assistance Manager

    1201 South Briggs Avenue, Suite 200
    Durham, NC 27703
    main 919-403-6950 fax 919-403-6959


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