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  • 1.  Quality of feedback: Scaffolding

    Posted 07-30-2019 11:58
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    Looking for simple ways to scaffold student learning? Check out the latest blog post:  5 Strategies for Scaffolding in an Early Childhood Clasroom or download the printable version. 

    What do you find works best? Any tips you have as a teacher or coach? What about as an observer?  

    Liz Savage
    Community Manager


    Scaffold.pdf   2.07 MB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: Quality of feedback: Scaffolding

    Posted 07-31-2019 12:56
    I find that simply showing sensitivity and allowing time is effective. When a child approaches a teacher with a challenge, a concerned, thoughtful expression (matched affect) paired with a prompt to keep thinking often provides the minimal support needed for children to shift to problem-solving. I hear teachers say, "Hmm, that is tricky," then, if needed, "I wonder what might help/what we could do? I'm thinking (self-talk)."  
    When children struggle to answer a question, teachers might direct them to a category (e.g., "It lives in the ocean," or "it grows in our vegetable garden." Another type of hint is to remind children when they last heard about the topic (e.g., "We were talking about this at snack this morning," or, "It was a strategy the friends used to solve their problem in the book we read yesterday."
    Finally, teachers build peer connections and positive climate when they suggest turning to a friend. She might muse, "I wonder if ____ has an idea."  If the child seems interested, but doesn't act, the teacher might add "Would you like to ask her or shall we ask her together?"

    Thank you Liz for the blog post and hand-out!

    Ann Dillenbeck, Ed.S.

    STARS Assessor

    Mary Johnson Children's Center