Hi Lawona,
I used to tell my trainees: a Feedback Loop is always a conversation, but a conversation is not always a Feedback Loop. The difference lies in the basic difference between the dimensions / the intent with LM is to support and promote language, whereas the purpose of effective feedback is to promote thinking, learning, or persistence with a task. A good feedback loop can be recognized by noticing a conversation that goes back and forth, but the telltale difference is the INTENT of it - if it's a good feedback loop it is clearly "pushing" or "prompting" a child to continue thinking, continue trying to get an answer or master a skill, continue trying to figure something out or get to a correct answer. With a simple Conversation, there is a back and forth exchange, but you MAY or MAY NOT see that "pushing" of thinking/learning/persistence. If it is a Conversation that IS a FBLoop, you will see the child responding and being responded to verbally, AND you will also see that the teacher is trying to get more learning or persistence. The focus is clearly on LEARNING with FBLoops, and with good conversations it's clearly on GETTING A CHILD TO SAY MORE. I hope that helps.........When I am coding, if I see a conversation starting, I write down the topic of the conversation under Frequent Conversations -LM, and I indicate how many times it goes back and forth with "XOXOXOXO." If I notice that it is also a Feedback Loop, then I also write the SAME thing under FBLoops - QF.
Sara Beach
Aurora IL
Original Message:
Sent: 08-12-2019 16:13
From: Helen Haynes
Subject: Quality of Feedback
Hi Lawonda,
I believe the different lies in the content of the conversation. If the teachers is having a discussion about what a child is doing and their progress or focused on directing their attention towards finishing a task that would fall under quality feedback but if the conversation is about things they like to do with their parents, favorite color and the focus seems to be more about creating a warm environment and strengthening their relationship.
Helen Haynes
Melbourne FL
Original Message:
Sent: 08-12-2019 14:35
From: Lawonda Roman
Subject: Quality of Feedback
Can you tell me difference between a back forth exchange within QF vs. Frequent Conversations within LM?
Lawonda Roman
Mansfield TX