Hi @Melia Matsler,
I'm glad you're feeling better! To participate in the discussions, you'll need to respond in the discussion section of your course(s). The water cooler is also located in your course(s)! I am attaching a video recording to show you where these are located! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions!
Rachel Eavey
Engagement Coordinator
Original Message:
Sent: 08-01-2024 14:37
From: Melia Matsler
Subject: Discussion questions
This is my first time responding to these emails. Are these discussions what you mean when you say water cooler? Also, I have been sick but I'm getting better and I'm here so I'm going to catch up on my reading from week one and week two. I saw in the syllabus that we have to engage to the discussions so that's why I'm telling my business lol
I have started my binder portfolio. Are we sharing pictures of portfolios?
Is there anything else that I'm missing that maybe someone has noticed? I'm really excited to take this course with you all!!
Melia Matsler
Original Message:
Sent: 07-31-2024 16:55
From: Jackie McSorley
Subject: Discussion questions
Currently when I click on discussion questions all I can do is like them or mark them as read, help?? i need to be able to respond!!
Jackie McSorley
Cedar Springs, MI