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  • 1.  Getting out there as a certified CLASS observer

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 08-11-2022 16:44
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    I have previously done CLASS PreK assessments as part of a paid position. However, having recently left this position, I am wondering about how to get myself out there as an independent CLASS observer. I have added myself to the Teachstone Directory, but beyond that, how have others gotten the word out that they are for hire independently? For others who may also be operating as independent observers, are you able to find yourself regular observer gigs?
    Thanks in advance for any advice or tips!

  • 2.  RE: Getting out there as a certified CLASS observer

    Posted 08-16-2022 16:21

    Hello there!

    Thank you for your post and for asking this question, I know many others have ended up in this position, so I can try to provide a few tips! Beyond adding yourself to the observer directory, many observers share their certification status on their LinkedIn and Facebook accounts. You can always check the job board here in the CLC for organizations seeking observers, as well as the Teachstone careers page. I really hope this helps!


    Allison Bloomfield
    Charlottesville VA