All Things CLASS

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  • 1.  Help! I'm already feeling confused...

    Posted 04-20-2024 11:18

    Hi everyone and happy Saturday! I finally received my book last night and I'm already confused. I was told this was a work at your own pace course but I'm seeing due dates? I just pulled up the course and it's asking for 5-7 sentences on the Reflective Writing and Professional Philosophy Statement but then the pages it suggests us to look at says 6 reflections are needed that are no more than 500 words. So which am I supposed to follow? I'm feeling utterly lost and already behind. I want to do well in this course and be able to better help my students! Any help is appreciated and I thank you in advance.

    Emily Frey

  • 2.  RE: Help! I'm already feeling confused...

    Posted 04-22-2024 10:06

    Hi Emily,

    Welcome, we are happy to have you in our CDA program! I hope to clear up any confusion and fear you have about the courses. So, you are signed up for the CDA with CLASS for KinderCare, which is a 24-week online group course that is facilitated by our incredible team of educators to guide you through the CDA process. Your instructor will answer questions, provide specific feedback, and grade your assignments based on the pacing guide and syllabus. You are also in the course with other KinderCare members, so you aren't alone! You can reach out and ask questions in the course or here in the CLC whenever you like! 

    As for the assignment, I would suggest reaching out to your instructor, Keisha McClain, as this may be a typo and you would want to clarify with her first. 

    Let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with!

    Rachel Eavey
    Engagement Coordinator

  • 3.  RE: Help! I'm already feeling confused...

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 06-05-2024 01:22
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    I was also confused about this! The very first reflection the course asks us to write about: " You will write one reflective paragraph of five to seven sentences, describing the progress you have made building your Professional Portfolio. How are you feeling about the Professional Portfolio activity and process? Share how you think the Professional Portfolio will support you as an early childhood professional." Is this supposed to go in our personal journal (only for ourselves), or the Philosophy Statement section that is supposed to be in our portfolio? Thank you!

  • 4.  RE: Help! I'm already feeling confused...

    Posted 06-05-2024 09:38

    Hello! I would recommend reaching out to the instructor regarding this question. There may be an error in how they organized it!


    Rachel Eavey
    Engagement Coordinator