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  • 1.  Positive Affect and cultural differences

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 8 days ago
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    Hello everyone! Hear me out…

    I am supporting a teacher with her CLASS interactions. She's a very nice and sweet person and extremely intelligent. She loves working with children and providing them with support. It's easier to know these things when you know a person well. However, she rarely smiles. This teacher also rarely makes eye contact and is socially different. 

    what are strategies or suggestions I can use to support her with positive affect? I respect her individuality but it is impacting her Positive Affect ratings.

  • 2.  RE: Positive Affect and cultural differences

    Posted 8 days ago

    Hi there! Have you looked into 2nd Edition at all yet? 

    I ask because the "Positive Affect" indicator has actually been adjusted to "Enjoyment" in 2nd Edition. Check out the crosswalk here, and you can see the rationale for this change on page 5.

    The indicator within the high range includes a warm and welcoming environment with many genuine instances of contentment that "are sometimes subtle, such as contented appearance or a calm and engaged state, or may be more animated such as smiling, laughing, jumping, or clapping with enthusiasm". 

    That is all to say, an educator doesn't have to be Ms. Rachel to be creating a warm environment that has Positive Affect / Enjoyment. They can be their genuine self, and still be creating that positive climate. 

    I hope this helps! 

    Erin Sabina
    Thornton CO

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