Join us as we kick off a new Impacting the Classroom Podcast episode. Teachstone's @Marnetta Larrimer TS chats with Aven Ford from the Children's Coalition for Northeast Louisiana.
Together, they dive into the world of CLASS observation implementation and discover:
🔍 Effective strategies for securing stakeholder buy-in.
📊 The significance of performance profiles in enhancing childcare quality.
🤝 Personalized coaching: a game-changer for educators in rural communities.
Don't miss out on valuable insights into improving early childhood education! You can watch/listen to the discussion from our Blog, our YouTube Channel, or your preferred podcast streaming service.
Let us know your thoughts!
Season 4 Episode 2 : So Much To Say About CLASS
#CLASSObservation #EarlyChildhoodEducation #StakeholderBuyIn #PersonalizedCoaching #ChildcareQuality #PodcastEpisode