During an episode of our podcast, Teaching with CLASS, @Vicki Kintner-Duffy brainstormed ways to provide more opportunities for students to create, invent, and generate their own ideas to support Concept Development
Concept Development Creating.pdf
During an episode of our podcast, Teaching with CLASS , @Vicki Kintner-Duffy brainstormed ways to provide more opportunities for students to create, invent, and generate their own ideas to support Concept Development
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Scaffolding supports students who are having a hard time understanding a concept, answering a question, or completing an activity
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A language-rich environment is vital to children’s early learning and social-emotional development. A language-rich environment isn’t just a room with books and a variety of print; it’s a room where children hear and participate in talking, singing, and reading. Try these strategies to...
Ways To Promote Speech and Language Development.pdf
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Here's a blank form to plan activities and questions that will help relate content to students' lives and the real world. There is also a sample completed one based on a theme of seasons. #Concept development #Events #InstructionalSupport
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What is self- and parallel talk? Why is it important? And how do I incorporate more of it into my classroom? #LanguageModeling #InstructionalSupport
Increasing Self and parallel talk.pdf
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