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Lunchtime conversation starters 

04-23-2018 17:06

Take a look at the list of all the lunchtime open-ended conversation starters provided in the discussion post. Do you have others you like to ask?

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2 Files
pdf file
Lunchtime Conversations 2023.pdf   553 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 08-02-2023
pdf file
Lunchtime Conversations_Spanish 2023.pdf   552 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 08-02-2023


07-03-2024 17:30

This is a great resource. We are doing a Super Saturday soon and one of the focus areas is on mealtime conversations. I will be using this with our providers. Thank you.

08-15-2022 11:43

Thank you for sharing. I am going to share them with the teachers.

08-15-2022 11:43

Thank you for sharing. I am going to share them with the teachers.

04-19-2022 13:55

Thank you for sharing, I have printed them

04-05-2022 15:32

Thank you for these lunchtime starter questions . I will try some of them in future.

04-05-2022 15:32

Thank you for these lunchtime starter questions . I will try some of them in future.

01-27-2022 08:36

Thank you for the questions, I print it and I can wait to use them.

11-05-2021 22:24

I do use some of the questions already, but most of the questions I wouldn't have even thought about. Making small talk especially during meals has always been really hard for me. I'm super excited to use some of the questions from that sheet!

06-26-2021 12:05

Some of these questions I ask, but others I was pleasantly surprised made the list. Glad and grateful for this resource. I love connecting with children during meal times. I like to move around as do the children since there are no assigned seats (some do like that while others always ask me "where do I sit?" and I tell them "anywhere you want to" or "at a chair that has food").

06-15-2021 13:27

Thank you for sharing the wonderful lunch conversations.

06-10-2021 13:30

Thank you for share these ideas, they will be very helpful

04-21-2021 14:51

Thank you for sharing these wouderful ideas, I will definetly use them in my classroom.

04-12-2021 11:14

Love this! Thank you

08-14-2020 16:35

Thank you for sharing!

08-13-2020 22:35

Thank you for the tips

05-30-2020 23:43

Thank you for the list, it will be helpful during meal times.

05-29-2020 11:07

Hello hope all are safe thank you lots of great starter questions kids will have alot to say.

04-05-2020 18:48

Thank you so much for this tips.

07-02-2019 10:11

Hello Everyone,
Happy summer to all. Thanks Liz for the great open ended meal conversation tips. Thanks for sharing!

05-16-2019 19:05

It is really really excellent open-end  conversation.I should follow up my co-teachers.

05-13-2019 15:09

Luv this…Great resource

03-25-2019 23:28

Great tips!  Will share them with teachers, co teachers, center assistants. Thanks for sharing!  
Louise SISNEROS Monte Vista Colorado

10-04-2018 14:42

This is AWESOME, I will share with the Teachers and aides.  THANK YOU!  :0)

07-10-2018 15:55

Thank you for this vital resource.   We will utilize this during our ongoing CLASS PD trainings.  It is imperative that our teachers understand what intentional teaching is composed of, "Planning".  Your resource will enable us to plan authentic meal time conversations.

05-01-2018 22:34

Thanks! I will use this with my teachers here in Chile.

04-26-2018 11:44

​Thank you for this. Great resource.

04-26-2018 09:42

Thank you so much for putting this together and sharing it. One of the people I'm coaching has this as his goal - asking more open ended questions during lunchtime. What a great resource for him.

04-25-2018 16:34

This is great.  I plan to use this with our teachers.

04-25-2018 12:39

Thank you for this resource. I am also sharing with my 16 teachers.

04-25-2018 12:39

Thank you for this resource. I am also sharing with my 16 teachers.

04-24-2018 15:19

Liz, Thank you so much for this!  I am halfway through Spring CLASS observations and find that our teaching staff still struggles with asking open-ended questions, especially at lunchtime. I'm having one laminated for each of our 13 classrooms and will post in their meal/snack areas.

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