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Behavior Guidance support 

03-12-2019 13:22

Printable with five strategies for supporting positive behavior

17 Favorited
2 Files
pdf file
Behavior Guidance Tips 2023.pdf   59 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 08-02-2023
pdf file
Behavior Guidance Tips_Spanish 2023.pdf   60 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 08-02-2023


09-22-2024 17:44

This information is super helpful. Will be implementing this week.

12-10-2023 21:09

I am glad a part this class

06-04-2023 21:23

This guidance is very helpful. Thank you for sharing.

04-29-2023 21:59

This week my classroom doubled in size from 10 to 20 3 yr. olds when they added preschoolers to a pre-k class.  It was pretty chaotic and appeared the younger ones were not used to rules.  My co-teacher and I spent the day repeating phrases like "blocks are for building", "clean up your area before changing stations", "use your walking feet", etc.  Lots of repeating but by the end of the week they appeared to catch on a little. I plan to share this with some of my coworkers.

04-28-2023 19:25

😊  thanks 

03-13-2023 18:29

Great information 

02-23-2023 17:12

thank you for this information!

10-20-2022 13:09

Thank you for the information.

05-27-2022 09:43

Thank you for this information.
Gracias, maravilloso recurso.
Gracias, maravilloso recurso.

12-09-2021 08:25

Thank you for the great and wonderful information, so helpful

11-01-2021 12:20

Good information, would love a video of this in action. It would be very helpful to see a class that has students with behavior difficulties.

10-21-2021 16:25

Thank you. Where can I view the video on Strawberries and bananas?

09-21-2021 11:38

Thank you :D This is an excellent resource for new teachers.

09-13-2021 12:43

Thank you for this great information.

09-13-2021 12:43

Thank you for this great information.

09-04-2021 00:08

Thanks so much, this is helpful

09-03-2021 18:49

Thank you for this!

09-03-2021 18:49

Thank you for this!

09-03-2021 18:49

Thank you for this!

09-01-2021 17:37

Thank you Liz for the behavior guidance sheet.

07-12-2021 13:06

Thank you for sharing the resources. I enjoyed taking the quiz: Which CLASS Dimension Best Describes You In Real Life?

07-08-2021 09:16

Is great thank you!

02-17-2021 15:41

this can be implemented in day to day life,  good stuff!

02-15-2021 12:31

This is very helpful!

02-14-2021 22:21

It is good guidance. It is helpful and effective.

01-26-2021 21:16

Love this sheet

12-11-2020 12:24

Great sheet. Thank you.

12-09-2020 14:46

Thank you very much for providing this guidance sheet! :)

12-03-2020 16:43

Where I can find the Behavior Guidance in Spanish

11-05-2020 10:16

Thank you for this resource

09-23-2020 18:29

We really needs this right, with this COVID-19 a lot of children feel out of place and some have sign of miss behavior but can be supported by this great guidelines

08-17-2020 10:42

Love this handout, its perfect Im sharing with my team

08-15-2020 15:20

Thank you very much for the handout. It has great strategies to redirect children from unwanted behaviors

08-06-2020 10:39

Very helpful!  Thank you!

07-02-2020 11:37

Thank you so much for the handout. It gives great strategies for providing students redirection for behaviors.

06-29-2020 16:07

@Joann Trujillo, so glad you like it! You can definitely share it with anyone you'd like. ​

06-29-2020 15:32

love this handout! can i share with teachers i coach?

04-30-2020 21:52

An excellent resource for creating expectations in the classroom.

04-08-2020 13:26

I do use many of these strategies. How do I present this information to help parents without appearing to be intrusive in their home environments?

02-24-2020 10:26

The Behavior Guidance strategies seems very doable for teaching staff. I will be sharing with a teacher this week.

02-24-2020 10:26

The Behavior Guidance strategies seems very doable for teaching staff. I will be sharing with a teacher this week.

06-25-2019 16:35

I like these tips because they are short and concise but also have a simple explanation that allows me to better understand how to incorporate the tips into my classroom. This is a tool that I can quickly look at and learn from. It is clear and organized well also!

03-25-2019 23:12

These Behavior Guidance Strategies are wonderful these will help to give reminders for teachers to give guidance in a positive way.  Thank your for sharing these valuable tips. 
Louise SISNEROS  Monte Vista Colorado

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