Frequently Asked Questions

Getting Started in the CLC

The CLASS Learning Community (CLC) is a group of educators dedicated to helping every child reach their full potential by measuring and improving teacher-child interactions. 

Profile Preferences

Resources for New Members


Q: Where do I change my profile?

A: From the Community page, click on the icon in the right-hand corner and click Profile. On the far left, you can edit your Contact Details. Upload a picture and share a bit about yourself! To control what others can see, select the My Account tab and choose Privacy Setting from the drop-down menu. This will let you control what information is visible to whom. After you've made changes, click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

Q: Where do I change my email preferences?

A: To change how often you receive notifications and emails from the CLASS Community, go to your profile page, click My Account Settings, and select Community Notifications. From here you can choose to switch to a Consolidated Daily Digest, which will consolidate messages from any groups you are in, or a Weekly Consolidated Digest, which will allow you to receive a weekly email instead of daily. You can also view a video demo of switching to a consolidated digest here or a weekly email here

Q: Where do I listen to the Podcast?

A: Our CLASS Learning Community podcast, Teaching with CLASS, is available to listen to at any time on your computer or phone. If you're new to podcasts, think of it as an internet radio show, or a webinar without video. View all the episodes here or you can search for Teaching with CLASS where you listen to podcasts- iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Podcasts, etc. 

Q: Where can I watch previous Webinars? 

A: Recording from CLASS Learning Community webinars can be found in the resource library. 
You can also browse the main Teachstone site under Resources. 

Q: Where do I find those fun quizzes?

A: The quizzes can all be found on our blog. Take the quiz and then share in the CLASS Learning Community how you did! Here are a few favorites:

Q: Do you have any sample video exemplars I can watch? 

A: Yes! Take a look at one from each grade level here.

Q: Do you have any tips for new CLC members?

A: This document has some quick tips for getting the most out of the CLASS Learning Community.

Q: Who should I share my idea for a new CLC resource or event with?

A: You can always post a request or idea as a discussion topic in the CLASS Community. If you'd rather reach out through email, you can contact our Community team at or find our Community Manager, Allison Bloomfield, in the CLC.

CLASS Questions

For most of your CLASSy questions, you can find answers here. Below are a few common ones we see in the CLC. 


Observer questions

Q: What is CLASS?

A: CLASS stands for CLassroom Assessment Scoring System. You can learn more here.

Q: How do I recertify?

A: You may purchase recertification testing at any time, for one or more people, by visiting the Teachstone store. Your purchase creates one product key per test, which is emailed to you, and may only be activated when a user is eligible for recertification. Product keys do not expire. Alternatively, individual users may also purchase recertification in their myCLASS account Need more help? We created this guide to walk you through how to purchase a single recertification test.

Your certification date is tied to when you first took your reliability test after completing Observation Training. You can start testing eight weeks prior to your certification expiration date and continue testing up to 16 weeks after your certification expires (although you cannot conduct observations after your certification expires). You cannot change the date of your testing period.

For other questions you may have, take a look at the general Teachstone FAQ or if you need support, check out or Reliability Support page, full of resources to help you prepare. 

Q: What tips do you have for recertifying?

A:  Feeling nervous? Visit our Reliability Support page. There's a section for those ready to test as well as extra support for those who are struggling to pass. 

Q: How do I get added to the Observer Directory?

A: We have a directory available to organizations that are interested in hiring Certified CLASS Observers. You can add your name to the Observer Directory here. 

Q: What tips do you have for getting hired to observe?

Q: How should I prepare for my first Live Observation? 

A: Watch this video, Conducting Live CLASS Observations or at the bottom of our Reliability Support page are a number of other resources to help you prepare.